Semi Circle Anchor Paddle Stirrer, 8mm – 16mm Diameter PTFE Shaft

  • Jacketed Stirrer Shafts
  • Stainless Steel Shaft Core
  • Permanently attached Anchor Paddle
SKU: SM-4050-B Category:
Quantity discounts are available! Please call 732-356-1553 or submit a quote for larger quantities.
SKU Shaft ØBlade ØLengthCustom LengthsSS Core Ø Price Cart
SM-4050-11 9.5mm140mm25.55"21.65"-25.55"6.35mm $162.45
SM-4050-12 9.5mm140mm29.50"25.55"-29.50"6.35mm $174.90
SM-4050-14 10mm140mm25.55"21.65"-25.55"6.35mm $184.66
SM-4050-15 10mm140mm29.50"25.55"-29.50"6.35mm $186.69
SM-4050-16 12mm140mm25.55"21.65"-25.55"8mm $253.68
SM-4050-17 12mm140mm29.50"25.55"-29.50"6.35mm $257.13
SM-4050-18 12mm140mm39.30"29.50"-39.30"8mm $281.20
SM-4050-19 16mm140mm29.50"25.55"-29.50"10mm $398.95
SM-4050-20 16mm180mm29.50"25.55"-29.50"10mm $398.95
SM-4050-21 16mm140mm39.30"29.50"-39.30"10mm $365.40
SM-4050-22 16mm180mmCustom Length29.50"-39.30"10mm $365.40

PTFE Jacketed Stirrer Shafts with a permanently attached bottom semi circle shaped anchor paddle. Paddle sizes range from 80mm to 180mm width by 35mm to 80mm High.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Shaft Ø

10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 9.5mm

Blade Ø

140mm, 180mm


25.55", 29.50", 39.30", Custom Length

Custom Lengths

21.65"-25.55", 25.55"-29.50", 29.50"-39.30"

SS Core Ø

10mm, 6.35mm, 8mm