Heavy Duty Banana Blades for 19mm Glass & SS Shafts with Round Button, Solid, PTFE

  • Solid PTFE
  • 5mm and 1/4″ Thick- Heavy Duty
  • Compatible with 19mm button style glass stirrer rods
  • Use with our 316 stainless steel shaft (4030, 4035)
SKU: SM-510S Categories: , Tag:
Quantity discounts are available! Please call 732-356-1553 or submit a quote for larger quantities.
SKU Shaft ØH x LThickMin. Joint Flask Size # Price Cart
SM-510-00S 19mm21 x 87mm3/16"34/45500mL $39.66
SM-510-01S 19mm30 x 110mm3/16"34/451000mL $56.37
SM-510-02S 19mm30 x145mm3/16"34/452000mL $59.93
SM-510-03S 19mm32 x 150mm3/16"45/503000mL $69.44
SM-510-04S 19mm35 x 175mm1/4"45/505000mL $85.43
SM-510-05S 19mm37 x 220mm1/4"45/5012000mL $92.32
SM-510-06S 19mm40 x 263mm1/4"55/5022000mL $115.78
SM-510-08S 19mm45 x 330mm1/4"55/5050000mL $125.42
SM-510-07S 19mm54 x 200mm1/4"71/6072000mL $135.07

Durable Banana stirrer blades made of 3/16″ thick solid PTFE blades is contoured for round bottom flasks for use with 19mm OD glass stirrer shafts. The minimum standard taper ground glass joint required is listed to allow the blade to pass through into the flask.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Shaft Ø
H x L

21 x 87mm, 30 x 110mm, 30 x145mm, 32 x 150mm, 35 x 175mm, 37 x 220mm, 40 x 263mm, 45 x 330mm, 54 x 200mm


1/4", 3/16"

Min. Joint

34/45, 45/50, 55/50, 71/60

Flask Size #

1000mL, 12000mL, 2000mL, 22000mL, 3000mL, 50000mL, 5000mL, 500mL, 72000mL

Blade Type
