Straight Bore PTFE Stopcock Plugs with Glass barrel with Side Arms

  • PTFE Stopcock
  • Straight Bore
  • 1:5 Taper Glass Barrel
  • Solid PTFE Plug
Quantity discounts are available! Please call 732-356-1553 or submit a quote for larger quantities.
SKU BorePlug SizeSide Arms ODMaterial Price Cart
SM-138-1526 1.6mm9/248mmPTFE $34.00
SM-138-1527 1mm11/258mmPTFE $58.98
SM-138-1528 2mm11/258mmPTFE $54.43
SM-138-1549 3mm15.2/3010mmPTFE $68.06
SM-138-1541 4mm15.2/3010mmPTFE $68.06
SM-138-1562 6mm16/3512mmPTFE $81.68
SM-138-1576 8mm24/4016mmPTFE $188.38
SM-138-1586 10mm24/4016mmPTFE $188.38

Replacement Parts

SKU Item Description Price Cart

11/25 Stopcock Plug, 1mm Straight Bore, PTFE


11/25 Stopcock Plug, 2mm Straight Bore, PTFE


15.2/30 Stopcock Plug, 3mm Straight Bore, PTFE


15.2/30 Stopcock Plug, 4mm Straight Bore, PTFE


16/35 Stopcock Plug, 6mm Straight Bore, PTFE


24/40 Stopcock Plug, 8mm Straight Bore, PTFE


24/40 Stopcock Plug, 10mm Straight Bore, PTFE


Scientific Machine manufactures all our PTFE Stopcock plugs having a 1:5 taper; this insures maximum strength at the seal. Bores range from 1mm-10mm. All Stopcock plugs are assembled with PTFE washer, Viton O-ring and Blue UHMW Handle & Nut. Replacement parts can be purchased separately. Quantity discounts are available for replacement PTFE plugs see part Number SM-1520 or call for quote on larger quantities.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

1mm, 1.6mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm

Plug Size

11/25, 15.2/30, 16/35, 24/40, 9/24

Side Arms OD

10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 8mm



Stopcock Type

Straight Bore, Glass Barrel