Cylindrical Magnetic PTFE Stir Bars

  • Smooth polished finish, reducing particle adherents
  • PTFE encapsulated
  • Chemically inert, leak proof
  • Super strong Alnico V magnets
SKU: SM-4094 Category:
Quantity discounts are available! Please call 732-356-1553 or submit a quote for larger quantities.
SKU LengthDiameterPack QuantityMaterialMagnet Type Price Cart
SM-4094-00 5mm3mm10PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $16.97
SM-4094-01 7mm3mm10PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $16.97
SM-4094-02 9mm3mm10PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $16.97
SM-4094-03 10mm5mm10PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $16.97
SM-4094-04 10mm6mm10PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $16.97
SM-4094-07 12mm3mm10PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $21.22
SM-4094-09 15mm5mm10PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $16.97
SM-4094-10 15mm6mm10PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $19.10
SM-4094-11 20mm6mm10PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $23.34
SM-4094-12 20mm7mm10PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $29.71
SM-4094-14 25mm6mm5PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $10.50
SM-4094-16 25mm8mm5PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $12.20
SM-4094-18 30mm6mm5PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $12.62
SM-4094-19 30mm8mm5PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $15.91
SM-4094-20 31mm7.5mm5PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $16.97
SM-4094-21 35mm6mm5PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $16.97
SM-4094-22 35mm8mm5PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $15.89
SM-4094-23 40mm8mm5PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $19.31
SM-4094-24 45mm8mm5PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $23.02
SM-4094-25 50mm8mm5PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $26.44
SM-4094-26 60mm9mm2PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $13.88
SM-4094-27 70mm9mm2PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $16.10
SM-4094-28 80mm9mm2PTFECylindrical Stir Bars $18.91
SM-4094-29 100mm16mmeachPTFECylindrical Stir Bars $31.07

Cylindrical stirrer magnets are a good all purpose choice for a wide range of applications. They have a smooth, round profile, preventing particles to adhere to their surface.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

100mm, 10mm, 12mm, 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 31mm, 35mm, 40mm, 45mm, 50mm, 5mm, 60mm, 70mm, 7mm, 80mm, 9mm


16mm, 3mm, 5mm, 6mm, 7.5mm, 7mm, 8mm, 9mm

Pack Quantity

10, 2, 5, each



Magnet Type

Cylindrical Stir Bars