SciMac Thin Wall PTFE Sleeves, Medium Length, 12 Pk

  • Eliminates the use of grease
  • Prevents sticking or freezing of joints
  • Medium to low vacuum
  • Permits use of joint clamps
  • Medium Length Ground Joint Sizes
SKU: SM-350-12PK Categories: , ,
Quantity discounts are available! Please call 732-356-1553 or submit a quote for larger quantities.
SKU Joint SizeWall ThicknessPack QuantityMaterial Price Cart
SM-350-40 7/100.005"12PTFE $59.28
SM-350-41 7/150.005"12PTFE $59.28
SM-350-42 10/100.005"12PTFE $59.28
SM-350-43 10/180.005"12PTFE $59.28
SM-350-44 12/180.005"12PTFE $61.09
SM-350-45 14/100.005"12PTFE $35.81
SM-350-46 14/200.005"12PTFE $40.95
SM-350-47 19/220.005"12PTFE $34.58
SM-350-49 29/260.005"12PTFE $68.51
SM-350-50 34/280.005"12PTFE $120.98
SM-350-51 40/350.005"12PTFE $134.40
SM-350-48 24/25 24/290.005"12PTFE $85.82
SM-350-52 45/400.005"12PTFE $159.16

350 Medium Length- Reusable sleeves for greaseless connections on standard taper ground joints. Wall thickness is 0.005”. Packed in hard plastic containers to prevent creasing or damage to sleeves. American Made

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Joint Size

7/10, 7/15, 10/10, 10/18, 12/18, 14/10, 14/20, 19/22, 24/25 24/29, 29/26, 34/28, 40/35, 45/40

Wall Thickness


Pack Quantity




